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Memorial Field Renovation Project Bids

Project Bid Award
At the March 18, 2013 Board Meeting, the board approved the bid award for Memorial Field West Side Bleacher Project to low bidder, Mid-State Construction, Inc., in the amount of $2,255,000 with both Alternate 1 ($2,437) and Alternate 2 ($89,650) included.
The base bid for this project will replace bleachers, wall and fencing along the entire west side of the stadium (Fraser Street). Additionally, it will add ADA access to this bleacher assembly. The proposed work generally consists of the demolition of existing sidewalk, curb, fencing, stone retaining walls, utility and storm facilities, bleachers and accessories, landscaping; and construction of new reinforced concrete retaining walls, bleachers and accessories, storm system modifications, electrical and plumbing facilities, site improvements, landscaping and fencing.
Alternate 1 is to substitute the specified concrete sidewalk along Fraser Street with a brick sidewalk.
Alternate 2 is a revised piping arrangement for storm water collected on Fraser Street and routed under the field to the sinkhole. The original storm water piping design originated when the vaults were still in consideration, the new design moves water to the sinkhole more quickly. The assumption would be that this change would reduce the potential for surcharging at the Northwest corner of the field if the sinkhole repairs are able to increase the infiltration rate at the sinkhole.