October 19, 2010 - Presentation
A second Community Meeting on Renovations to Memorial Field was held Tuesday, October 19 at 7 p.m. at Mount Nittany Middle School Cafeteria
The architects in charge presented three renovation options that are based on community input from the first community meeting held June 7, 2010. Opportunities for audience questions and feedback followed the presentations.
All three plans presented include designing a system to control flooding of the field, making the stadium handicapped accessible, providing better vehicular access to the field, and ensuring a safe environment.
You may view the architects' presentation via streaming video (36 minutes) on the CNET web site.
Download the document October 19 presentation (PDF 35 pages, 26.3MB)
Q&A document - The questions/statements were taken from the floor during the community meeting and the answers in response were provided by the design team or SCASD representative, Ed Poprik
Summary of the options presented:
Option 1 (photo below)
5,670 seats
Total cost: $14.99 million
Cost per seat: $2,644
Details: The adjacent administrative building would be demolished to expand seating and the bleachers. It would include an elevator, restrooms, concessions and two locker rooms. Does not provide areas for medical treatment, dressing area for coaches or exercise rooms.
Option 2 (Photo below)
4,800 seats
Total cost: $12,880,370 Cost per seat: $2,683
Details: This design converts the adjacent administrative building into an athletic facility. Converting that building would cost an additional $4.03 million or a total cost of $3,523 per seat.
Option 3 (Photo below)
8,170 seats
Cost: $17.71 million Cost per seat: $2,167
Details: The district would have to acquire an apartment complex east of the facility and demolish the existing administration building. This plan would expand the sidelines. It could be done in phases, 5,600 seats and then later adding about 2,500 seats.
Download a cost comparison sheet: October 19 cost breakdown
You may submit your feedback on the project to egp11@scasd.org