2003 Renovations
The group of community members, organized under the name SHFAST, interested in helping the district make substantial enhancements to Memorial Field discussed its plans with the Board and received a basic approval to come forth with a written proposal that would lead to a partnership agreement between the district, the group, and the Borough.
Representatives of the community group "State High Facilities and Athletic Support Team" (SHFAST)presented a summary of the work necessary by the District, the group, and the Borough of State College to enhance Memorial Field. The Board approved a resolution requesting the Pa. Dept. of Education to authorize a lease between the District and SHFAST for the installation of artificial turf at Memorial Field.
The Board received further information on the Memorial Field enhancement project, including deatails regarding the implications of artificial turf. A draft partnership agreement between the district, State College Borough, and the SHFAST community group for sharing the renovation responsibilities was also reviewed. The Board authorized the administration to proceed with the bids for the district's portion of the enhancement work.
The Board reviewed a draft partnership agreement between the District, the Borough of State College, and the SHFAST community group wishing to assist with enhancements to Memorial Field. A revised draft outlining each party's responsibilities will be on the agenda at the Board's 4/28 meeting when bids for the district's portion of the enhancements will also be discussed.
In the context of Memorial Field enhancement costs under consideration, the Board reviewed funding options for capital projects previously planned for. Costs associated with the District's portion of Memorial Field enhancements are being accommodated in order to leverage significant external resources being offered by the community to go beyond what the District could afford. After discussing various options, the Board opted to keep previously planned projects intact and to pay for Memorial Field expenditures from bond proceeds saved from other construction projects.
The bid for the District's portion of Memorial Field enhancements was awarded to R.H. Bailey Construction. The Board also approved a formal partnership agreement between the District, the Borough, and the SHFAST community group regarding each party's responsibilities for enhancements to Memorial Field. The Board further approved a lease agreement whereby Memorial Field is leased to SHFAST for the purpose of providing all labor, equipment, materials, and supplies to install artificial turf and a subsurface drainage system for the field by Sept. 1, 2003.
Thanks to the contractors' diligence, Memorial Field enhancements are two weeks ahead of schedule.
The Board appointed a special committee to review an SH FAST proposal regarding recognition of donors to the Memorial Field enhancement project. In addition to administrators and Board liaisons, the committee includes Jeff Garrigan (CAC for Facilities), Pamela Selfe (CAC for Finance), and Marty Starling (CAC for Private Fundraising).
7/14, 7/28, 8/11/03 board meetings
A partnership proposal to allow SH FAST to raise funds toward enhancements to Memorial Field was approved, authorizing advertising on a new scoreboard and granting Centre Soccer Association use of Memorial Field from 12 to 6 pm on Sundays March - June and September - November for a period of five years.
The Board received information on five advertisers, all represented by district alumni, proposed by SH FAST, for the new scoreboard at Memorial Field. Revenues generated by SH FAST are expended on enhancements of SCASD athletic facilities with initial implementation at Memorial Field. The Board also discussed and denied a request from Centre Soccer Association to extend its 5-year privilege to use Memorial Field on Sunday afternoons to 15 years.
The Board approved proposed sponsorship signs on a new scoreboard at Memorial Field for a period of five years. The sponsors are Aurum Jewelers & Goldsmiths, Frost & Conn Insurance, RE/MAX Centre Realty, University Orthopedics Center, and Waypoint Bank, all participants in the SH FAST initiative to benefit enhancements to SCASD athletic facilities.
The Board is considering a request from Center Soccer Association, one of the main benefactors supporting enhancements to Memorial Field, to be exempted from operating fees applicable to the use of Memorial Field.
The Board approved the previously presented request by Centre Soccer Association to have the operating fee waived for the organization's use of Memorial Field.
The Board approved the expenditure of $15,840.91 as part of a cooperative effort with State College Borough to study drainage issues at Memorial Field.
The group of community members, organized under the name SHFAST, interested in helping the district make substantial enhancements to Memorial Field discussed its plans with the Board and received a basic approval to come forth with a written proposal that would lead to a partnership agreement between the district, the group, and the Borough.
Representatives of the community group "State High Facilities and Athletic Support Team" (SHFAST)presented a summary of the work necessary by the District, the group, and the Borough of State College to enhance Memorial Field. The Board approved a resolution requesting the Pa. Dept. of Education to authorize a lease between the District and SHFAST for the installation of artificial turf at Memorial Field.
The Board received further information on the Memorial Field enhancement project, including deatails regarding the implications of artificial turf. A draft partnership agreement between the district, State College Borough, and the SHFAST community group for sharing the renovation responsibilities was also reviewed. The Board authorized the administration to proceed with the bids for the district's portion of the enhancement work.
The Board reviewed a draft partnership agreement between the District, the Borough of State College, and the SHFAST community group wishing to assist with enhancements to Memorial Field. A revised draft outlining each party's responsibilities will be on the agenda at the Board's 4/28 meeting when bids for the district's portion of the enhancements will also be discussed.
In the context of Memorial Field enhancement costs under consideration, the Board reviewed funding options for capital projects previously planned for. Costs associated with the District's portion of Memorial Field enhancements are being accommodated in order to leverage significant external resources being offered by the community to go beyond what the District could afford. After discussing various options, the Board opted to keep previously planned projects intact and to pay for Memorial Field expenditures from bond proceeds saved from other construction projects.
The bid for the District's portion of Memorial Field enhancements was awarded to R.H. Bailey Construction. The Board also approved a formal partnership agreement between the District, the Borough, and the SHFAST community group regarding each party's responsibilities for enhancements to Memorial Field. The Board further approved a lease agreement whereby Memorial Field is leased to SHFAST for the purpose of providing all labor, equipment, materials, and supplies to install artificial turf and a subsurface drainage system for the field by Sept. 1, 2003.
Thanks to the contractors' diligence, Memorial Field enhancements are two weeks ahead of schedule.
The Board appointed a special committee to review an SH FAST proposal regarding recognition of donors to the Memorial Field enhancement project. In addition to administrators and Board liaisons, the committee includes Jeff Garrigan (CAC for Facilities), Pamela Selfe (CAC for Finance), and Marty Starling (CAC for Private Fundraising).
7/14, 7/28, 8/11/03 board meetings
A partnership proposal to allow SH FAST to raise funds toward enhancements to Memorial Field was approved, authorizing advertising on a new scoreboard and granting Centre Soccer Association use of Memorial Field from 12 to 6 pm on Sundays March - June and September - November for a period of five years.
The Board received information on five advertisers, all represented by district alumni, proposed by SH FAST, for the new scoreboard at Memorial Field. Revenues generated by SH FAST are expended on enhancements of SCASD athletic facilities with initial implementation at Memorial Field. The Board also discussed and denied a request from Centre Soccer Association to extend its 5-year privilege to use Memorial Field on Sunday afternoons to 15 years.
The Board approved proposed sponsorship signs on a new scoreboard at Memorial Field for a period of five years. The sponsors are Aurum Jewelers & Goldsmiths, Frost & Conn Insurance, RE/MAX Centre Realty, University Orthopedics Center, and Waypoint Bank, all participants in the SH FAST initiative to benefit enhancements to SCASD athletic facilities.
The Board is considering a request from Center Soccer Association, one of the main benefactors supporting enhancements to Memorial Field, to be exempted from operating fees applicable to the use of Memorial Field.
The Board approved the previously presented request by Centre Soccer Association to have the operating fee waived for the organization's use of Memorial Field.
The Board approved the expenditure of $15,840.91 as part of a cooperative effort with State College Borough to study drainage issues at Memorial Field.