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Facility Use Information

Use of indoor and outdoor facilities by outside entities is allowable as long as the groups adhere to the protocols in the Health and Safety Plan. Requests will be approved based upon the District’s facility use policy.

Thank you for your interest in our facilities. Our buildings are valuable community assets and many civic and community groups use them for meetings and events. We are glad to accommodate these groups whenever we can. To schedule an event in one of our facilities please utilize the information below and our ML Schedules application.

The individual groups and/or organizations that may request permission to use the State College Area School District facilities are defined as follows.

 Class A: State College Area School District-Related Organizations

  • Organizations whose primary purpose and function is the support of educational activities of the State College Area School District.

 Class B: Centre Region Municipal and Centre County Governmental Organizations

  • Departments of the Centre Regional Municipal and Centre County Governments, including Centre Region Parks and Recreation.

 Class C: Nonprofit/Nonschool-Related Organizations

  • Nonprofit organizations within the State College Area School District whose primary purpose is the betterment of the community and the providing of service to the residents in general.

 Class D: Private Interest Groups

  • Other private organizations providing programs which are instructive and beneficial to the participants.

Facility use is scheduled on a first come/first serve basis with the following exceptions:

  1. Class A groups will be given first priority in use of facilities. They may negate (bump) any previously approved contracts if a conflict occurs.
  2. Class B will have second priority. They may negate (bump) other Class C or D contracts but not Class A contracts.
  3. The State College Area School District reserves the right to defer the scheduling of certain facilities to Centre Region Parks and Recreation, at its discretion.

All requests must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the scheduled event.

FMX Schedules will be open for reservations according to the table below
Classes B, C & D Time Period
January 1st January 15 - May 15th
May 1st May 16th - August 30th
September 15th September 15th - January 15th


The use of school facilities is authorized by the Board of School Directors under Policy 707

The use of drones is prohibited on School District property unless prior written approval has been obtained from the Superintendent or designee according to Policy 815.9. Drone Use Approval Form

There are fees for certain uses of our facilities.

Questions can be addressed to the Physical Plant office at 814-231-1026.


All Facility Use Requests are completed online. The first step needed to make an online facility use request is to create a user account. You can do so by clicking the Register icon displayed below. Be sure to complete all information fields and then click the submit button. If your registration was successful, you will receive a confirmation email.

Register for a New Account


Once your account is created, you can start making facility reservations. Click the login icon below to login to the scheduling service.  


log into make a reservation