About the Schools
Corl Street Elementary School (CS)
235 S. Corl St. · State College, PA 16801·
235 S. Corl St. · State College, PA 16801·
Size: 27,780 sqft on 4.7 acres
Enrollment: K-5, 235
Year Built: 1952
Renovations: 1961, 1996, 1 modular
Corl Street Elementary School was originally built in 1952. The original portion of the building is single story and includes 7 classrooms along with the All Purpose Room and the office area. In 1961, five classrooms and the Library were added along the front of the building. Another addition of two classrooms was built in 1996, and a modular computer lab was added in 2003. Much of the original building from the 50s and early 60s remains intact. The entire building is about 27,700 sqft and houses grades K-5.
Enrollment: K-5, 235
Year Built: 1952
Renovations: 1961, 1996, 1 modular
Corl Street Elementary School was originally built in 1952. The original portion of the building is single story and includes 7 classrooms along with the All Purpose Room and the office area. In 1961, five classrooms and the Library were added along the front of the building. Another addition of two classrooms was built in 1996, and a modular computer lab was added in 2003. Much of the original building from the 50s and early 60s remains intact. The entire building is about 27,700 sqft and houses grades K-5.
Houserville Elementary School (HO)
217 Scholl Street · State College, PA 16801
Size: 36,952 sqft on 15 acres
Enrollment: 3-5, 184
Year Built: 1959
Houserville Elementary School was originally built in 1959. The original portion of the building is the “front” of the building. This part of the building is single story and includes eight classrooms along with the All-Purpose room, Library and office area. In 1968 the “cluster” was constructed as an addition for the building. The “cluster” includes six classrooms, which are separated by movable partitions. The entire building is about 37,000 sq ft and houses grades 3-5, as children attend this school after completing second grade at Lemont Elementary, Houserville’s “sister school.”
Lemont Elementary School (LE)
675 Elmwood Street, P.O. box 96, Lemont, PA 16851
Size: 28,142 sqft on 6.8 acres
Enrollment: K-2, 173
Year Built: 1939
Renovations: 1966
Lemont Elementary School was originally built in 1939. The original portion of the building is the "front" of the building. This part of the building is single story and includes eight classrooms along with the office area. In 1966 a two-story addition was constructed for the building. The addition includes five classrooms, the Library and the All Purpose Room. When the addition was built, some of the mechanical equipment was replaced, but much of the original 1939 building was left intact and not renovated. The entire building is about 28,000 square feet and houses grades K-2. As children enter the third grade, they move to Houserville Elementary, which is Lemont's "sister school."
Radio Park Elementary School (RP)
800 West Cherry Lane · State College, PA16801
Size: 56,697 sqft on 26 acres
Enrollment: K-5, 359
Year Built: 1962
There has never been an addition or renovation to the school; however, a modular classroom was added to the front of the building to serve as a computer lab and 2 other modular classrooms were added behind the building to increase the capacity of the school. The site of the Radio Park school is also the home of the District's transportation center. The front portion of the school is single story. A two-story classroom wing runs perpendicular to the front of the building.