Districtwide Facilities Master Plan 2016
The plan interim update was approved on May 9, 2016
View the presentation from May 9, 2016
District Wide Facility Master
Planning (DWFMP) Options
Board Presentation
April 18, 2016
The following item was discussed during the April 6 Facilities and Grounds subcommittee meeting as well as the April 12 Citizen’s Advisory Committee for Facilities meeting.
At the February 22 Board meeting, a draft calendar and draft process to start a District Wide Facilities Master Plan (DWFMP) was shared (see attachment A). This approach was predicated on starting an Elementary school project during the spring of 2018.
As a result of the Board approved DCED grant applications, an accelerated calendar has been developed to demonstrate the timeline required to start one or two elementary school projects during the fall of 2017, with substantial completion occurirng sometime in 2018 (see attachment B). The deadline to submit the DCED grant applications was April 1, 2016 with approval expected in May 2016.
Due to the time needed to design and bid a project, the portion of the calendar to complete the PDE required Master Planning process would need to be compressed in order to achieve the early start date. Based on the fact that we are working with a master plan that was updated in 2014 for the High School project, and the next update would be narrowly focused on our Elementary Schools, we believe that this compressed timeline for that portion of the project could be achieved. The stakeholder and public feedback portion of the proposed process would begin in May 2016. Options would then be developed during
the summer months and discussed with the community in September 2016. A final plan would then be targeted for adoption in October 2016. Even with the compressed timeline, in order to attain the targeted bid date, there would be no time allotted for a professional RFP/interview and selection process.
Our administrative team has assessed our situation and believes that the following two requirements must be met in order for us to support any recommended design team:
1. A design team must provide evidence of past effective master planning and school facility design. As important, our district desires a design team that will be very collaborative with us throughout the master planning and the design processes.
2. A design team must evidence a project history of quality facilities that include the best cost per square foot possible. The reason for analyzing this unit cost enables us to compare different projects, as different school districts (even projects within the same district) call for different design.
For further information see the attachments below presented at the April 18, 2016 Board Meeting: (PDFs)
VI-A2 DWFMP 4-18-16 Final Memo