Phase II, District Wide Master Plan Resolution
A new high school facility is part of Phase Two of the District Wide Facility Master Plan.
At their August 23, 2010 meeting, the Board of School Directors approved Phase II of the District Wide Facilities Master Plan as outlined in the following resolution:
WHEREAS: the State College Area School District Board of School Directors unanimously approved a District-Wide Facilities Master Plan (DWFMP) on June 23, 2009; and
WHEREAS: This plan was the culmination of more than a year’s work, headed by a steering committee comprised of a diverse cross-section and representation of the entire community that facilitated numerous community meetings and garnered valuable
stakeholder input throughout the planning process; and
WHEREAS: All school buildings were evaluated thoroughly on two dimensions: facility condition and educational adequacy; and
WHEREAS: This evaluation led to the ranking and potential phasing of projects for the DWFMP; and
WHEREAS: The District initiated Phase I of the DWFMP with upgrades to three elementary buildings and a planning process for upgrades to Memorial Field; and
WHEREAS: The approved DWFMP recommended parallel tracks for phasing and implementation of elementary and high school projects.
Be it hereby RESOLVED that:
At their August 23, 2010 meeting, the Board of School Directors approved Phase II of the District Wide Facilities Master Plan as outlined in the following resolution:
WHEREAS: the State College Area School District Board of School Directors unanimously approved a District-Wide Facilities Master Plan (DWFMP) on June 23, 2009; and
WHEREAS: This plan was the culmination of more than a year’s work, headed by a steering committee comprised of a diverse cross-section and representation of the entire community that facilitated numerous community meetings and garnered valuable
stakeholder input throughout the planning process; and
WHEREAS: All school buildings were evaluated thoroughly on two dimensions: facility condition and educational adequacy; and
WHEREAS: This evaluation led to the ranking and potential phasing of projects for the DWFMP; and
WHEREAS: The District initiated Phase I of the DWFMP with upgrades to three elementary buildings and a planning process for upgrades to Memorial Field; and
WHEREAS: The approved DWFMP recommended parallel tracks for phasing and implementation of elementary and high school projects.
Be it hereby RESOLVED that:
The Board commits to initiating Phase II of the DWFMP.
The Board will encourage and solicit community input throughout the process, including all internal and external stakeholders.
The Board commits to including in Phase II of the DWFMP the following:
The Board commits to holding a public referendum to issue electoral debt for upgrades to the State College Area High School at an appropriate time.
The Board will determine whether any other projects should be included in said referendum as planning progresses.
The Board will encourage and solicit community input throughout the process, including all internal and external stakeholders.
The Board commits to including in Phase II of the DWFMP the following:
• Planning for upgrades to State College Area High School, commencing immediately.
• Preparation for upgrades to additional elementary schools, such planning to begin within 15 months of the enactment of this resolution. This time frame allows for the current Phase I elementary projects to be completed, providing insight for future projects.
• Discussion of the repurposing of other district facilities (e.g., Panorama Village, College Heights, Fairmount Avenue, and W. Nittany Avenue).
• Preparation for upgrades to additional elementary schools, such planning to begin within 15 months of the enactment of this resolution. This time frame allows for the current Phase I elementary projects to be completed, providing insight for future projects.
• Discussion of the repurposing of other district facilities (e.g., Panorama Village, College Heights, Fairmount Avenue, and W. Nittany Avenue).
The Board commits to holding a public referendum to issue electoral debt for upgrades to the State College Area High School at an appropriate time.
The Board will determine whether any other projects should be included in said referendum as planning progresses.