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FAQS - Educational Adequacy

V. Educational Adequacy
Q: Why do we feel it is necessary to offer a Career & Technical Center when CPI is right here in Centre County? Why duplicate efforts?
A: SCASDʼs comprehensive high school model expands the breadth and number of educational experiences available to all students while reducing district tuition and transportation expenses. The onsite CTC offers a wide variety of career education classes that provide high quality elective options for students who may not want to concentrate in a specific technical program. For students who might otherwise need to spend part of the school day traveling to CPI, the in-house CTC increases course options and allows them to take advantage of more co- and extra-curricular programs. SCASD CTC students currently have the highest career and technical assessment scores in the state.
Q: In reviewing the current facilities at 424,000 square feet, all options indicate larger facilities than that. Weʼve heard enrollment is decreasing, is the additional size necessary? And how does that affect operating costs?
A: We have been using demographics from the 2009 DeJong study for our planning. After an updated demographic study is completed this spring, we will adjust our estimates and inform the community of the changes and the effects on costs and programming space.
Faculty, staff and students have been making do with inadequate and poorly arranged space for many years, requiring adjustments that donʼt make effective use of student or teacher time. In many cases, teachers must rove between classrooms with their instructional materials on carts which reduces their time with students and can limit some types of instruction. Some classrooms that were initially intended for junior-high-aged students (11-14 years old) vary greatly in square footage which affects course scheduling, efficient staffing, and student opportunities as certain rooms require low limits on class size. As part of the initial planning for the high school project, we reviewed both the current state of the facilities and national standards for classroom and overall square footage. We identified a design standard of 850 sqft per classroom, which is common at many high schools. For frame of reference, the 2007 high school project designed for the north side identified a net amount of approximately 550,000 sqft. Current projected building size is also lower than the square footage recommended for the overall program in the 2009 DeJong study.
Q: What are the standards of square foot/student?
A: Recently published data from “School Planning and Management” states that the median square footage per high school student for new facilities in our region constructed this past year was 216 square feet per student. We would expect our numbers to be higher than average because very few of those high school projects included space for an integrated CTC program.
Q: How does the high school compare?
A: Engineers have completed (Feb. 2013) evaluations of the mechanical systems and physical conditions at each of the buildings. Their reports are posted on our website: http://