Community Survey
State College Area School District’s Board of Directors recently hired Social Science Research Solutions (SSRS), a professional survey firm, to conduct a scientifically relevant, randomized survey of the residents of our school district regarding the ongoing high school project. SCASD hired SSRS to ensure high quality sampling, data analysis and reporting.
The goals for this survey are to:
- Assist the board in narrowing the concepts
- Identify which preliminary concepts are most/least supported of the community
- Help the board understand how much the community is willing and able to invest in the high school project
- Educate the community about the status of the high school project
- Provide the board with evidence-based data in order to narrow down the potential design concepts.
Because all eligible voters will have the opportunity to vote on the funding for this project at an upcoming election, we believe it is important that every citizen has an equal chance to be surveyed as part of this process. Therefore, the survey will be mailed to 6,750 households within the SCASD municipalities, and the results will be balanced to represent the demographics of our community. By allowing only those randomly selected for the survey mailing to answer the survey, we will minimize selection bias in our sample and gain more reliable data from our community.
If you receive a survey please fill it out and return it. It's very important for our decision-making.
Please be assured that we absolutely welcome feedback from all community members through a) attending any of the 10 community meetings held by our district, b) email to School Board, c) the comment dropbox on our High School project website (, and d) attending Board meetings. Our Board will be listening to the community through not only survey results but also these other means of communication.