Project Status/Board Updates
Board Actions taken to date: (All attached files are PDFs.)
Financial attachments:
Architect PowerPoint (5.9 MB)
- December 16, 2013, Board Meeting - The board set the State High Project Referendum at a maximum amount of $85 million. See the complete agenda and attachments with a link to streaming video of the meeting.
- December 2, 2013, Board Meeting - the board voted on two design options and discussed information about the referendum amount. See the complete agenda and attachments with a link to streaming video of the meeting.
- November 25, 2013, Board Meeting - more detailed schematic designs were presented including 3-D studies and the latest numbers for the referendum question as well as an action calendar update. See the complete agenda and attachments with a link to streaming video of the meeting.
- November 18, 2013 Board Work Session - see the complete agenda and attachments. Includes that latest architectural updates, financial projections.
- November 11, 2013, Board Meeting - The board received reports on financing the State High Project, more detailed design drawings of the project based on option 2, a revised calendar of critical dates, an preliminary cost estimate for this option and a comparison of the two options, and much more. See the complete agenda with attachments as well as streaming video of the meeting.
- October 28, 2013, Board Meeting - The board passed a motion to direct the architect to continue with building design based on the draft education specification presented at the Oct. 21 Works Session. They directed the architect to develop a parking program based upon the proposal presented and discussed at the Oct. 21, 2013 work session. They directed the architect to develop an athletic fields program plan based upon the proposal presented and discussed at the Oct. 21, 2013 work session. They discussed design option development, LEED goals for the project, calendar update and project financing. See the complete agenda and attachments as well as streaming video of the meeting.
- October 21, 2013, Board Work Session - The board heard information about the updated project calendar, reviewed the draft educational specification document, viewed a PowerPoint presentation on draft design options athletic fields, and discussed financing for the project. See the complete agenda and attachments plus streaming video of the meeting.
- October 14, 2013, Board Meeting - The board discussed information on the updated project calendar, project financing update and design options development for North, South, parking and athletic fields and draft educational specifications. See the complete agenda and attachments.
- September 23, 2013, Board Meeting - the board discussed the draft educational specifications and the decision-making timeline. See the complete agenda and attachments and a link to streaming video of the meeting.
- September 16, 2013, Board Work Session - Information and discussion regarding Educational Specifications, site analysis, design considerations, and more. See the complete agenda and attachments along with a link to streaming video of the meeting.
- September 9, 2013, Board Meeting - The board voted to go forward with one concept, Concept D. They established the referendum election date of May 20, 2014. And they approved the High School Project budget total in an amount not to exceed $115 million. See the complete agenda and attachments of the meeting along with a link to the streaming video of the meeting.
- August 26, 2013, Board Meeting - The board received an update on the Educational Model from Scott DeShong along with proposed educational specifications. An updated financial analysis and a presentation on the Community Survey by Dr. David Hunter were also received. See the complete agenda and attachments of the meeting.
- August 12, 2013 Board Meeting - The board heard more information from the architects on the proposed walkway in Concept B to connect the two buildings. Information about the referendum was shared by consultant, Mike Paston. See the complete agenda and attachments of the meeting.
- July 22, 2013 Board Meeting - The board voted to narrow to two the number of concepts remaining in consideration - Concept B and Concept D. Slides used in the discussion and voting on narrowing the number of concepts. Presentation on the downselect process Evaluation matrix criteria weighting See the complete agenda and link to streaming video of the meeting.
- July 15, 2013 Board Work Session - report on results of the community survey. PowerPoint presentation (PDF 3.3 mb)
Calendar Update See the complete agenda and link to streaming video of the meeting.
- July 8, 2013 Board Meeting - Further discussion and presentation of the decision process to narrow the options. PowerPoint presentation
- June 17, 2013 Work Session - This meeting covered the student government report, the State High Design competition, a demographic analysis report, project calendar update, the option comparison matrix and a presentation on the educational planning by Scott DeShong. See the complete agenda and attachments.
- June 10, 2013, Board Meeting - The board discussed the process for comparing the concepts in order to narrow the choices. The discussed an Option Comparison Matrix (attachment VI-D)
- May 20, 2013, Board Meeting - The board approved the contract for purchase of temporary, moveable bleachers for Memorial Field to George Ely Associates, Inc. in the amount of $52,374 as presented. (attachment V-A)
- May 13, 2013, Board Work Session - this meeting covered calendar updates, community feedback, memo about the survey and guiding principles. PowerPoint presentation. Complete agenda and attachments.
- April 25 and 27, Community Forums - PowerPoint presentation including latest concepts and cost estimates.
- April 15 Board Work Session - several presentations and updates were made at this meeting:
- March 18, Board Work Session - Architect Presentation (PDF 6.9 MB) The board also discussed a community opinion survey.
- February 28, second Community Forum
- February 25, 2013 Board meeting - The board discussed refined options for the high school and financing refinement options.
- February 18, 2013 The board heard more information on the revised options and the estimated price ranges for each. PowerPoint presentation (PDF)
- January 28, 2013 Board Meeting presentation (PDF) included discussion of the rationale of options and referendum issues with Mike Paston, 501 Group.
- January 21, 2013 Board Work Session - Architects from Crabtree Rohrbaugh and educational planner Brainspaces, Inc. presented information on educational planning activities to date, site options, and building configuration options. Download the presentation (PDF 3.7mb)
- December 17, 2012 Work Session - Board Presentation includes schedule update, Educational Planning update, community engagement, option standards, and budget process. Download the presentation in either PowerPoint or PDF. (9.4mb)
- December 3, 2012 - Memo to Board members requesting further input on preparations for the Dec. 17 Work Session on the High School Project.
- November 26, 2012 - A revised timeline/calendar (PDF) to take the project to referendum was presented to the board and accepted.
- November 12, 2012 - The Board of School Directors held a "kick-off" work session with the Architects and Educational Planner. You may download the presentation for the November 12 Work Session (PDF 9.4mb)
- October 22, 2012 - The Board approved the contract with BrainSpaces, Inc.(PDF 3.59MB) as Educational Planner.
- Sept. 24, 2012 - Administration recommends the firm BrainSpaces, Inc. as Educational Planner.
- Sept. 10, 2012 - The board approved the contract with architectural firm Crabtree, Rohrbaugh and Associates
- Aug. 27, 2012 - The board reviewed the Crabtree Rohrbaugh draft architect contract (PDF) at their meeting.
- Aug. 16 & 23, 2012 - Interviews with three Educational Planners were held. Watch them online.
- Aug. 2, 2012 - The Board Subcommittee for Culture Climate and Learning reviewed proposals submitted by Educational Consultant firms to lead the visioning process to develop State College Area High School's 21st Century Educational Specification Document.
- July 23, 2012 - The Board authorized Administration to negotiate draft contract terms with architects Crabtree Rohrbaugh for the schematic design of a high school project, with an alternate for a District-Wide Facility Master Plan update. The board will vote on the contract at a subsequent meeting.
- As of July, 23, 2012, the district has yet to make decisions regarding the high school facilities. The district’s intent is to begin drafting the process for a) updating the 2009 high school educational specifications document (required by Pennsylvania Dept. of Education), and b) designing the actual project. During the 2012-2013 school year, the district will collaborate with a board approved educational planner and design professional (architect) to draft a multi-year process that will be shared with the entire SCASD community prior to Board approval.