Existing Conditions in Both Buildings
Engineers completed evaluations of the mechanical systems and physical conditions (Feb. 8, 2013) at each of the buildings. Their reports are posted below:
South Building Report (PDF) North Building Report (PDF)
Photo Tour of conditions at the South Building:
South High School building was originally built in 1962 as a junior high. The original portion of the building is the “front” of the building, is single story and includes classrooms along with the auditorium, gymnasium, cafeteria and main office area. In 1965 an addition was constructed, which is also single story, but due to grade changes on the site, it operates as a second level. This addition includes classrooms, the library and the fitness center. An additional classroom wing was constructed in 1999. Some aspects of the Career and Technical Center program are also included in the South High School. The entire building, which has in the past served as a Junior High School and an Intermediate High School, is about 191,000 sqft and serves as half of the High School campus. The following pictures show some of the existing conditions at South:
Photo Tour of conditions at the North Building: North High School was originally built in 1955, dedicated in 1957. The original portion of the building is centered around the Logan Avenue entrance. This part of the building is two story and includes classrooms along with the auditorium, one gymnasium, cafeteria, library and main office area. In 1965 an addition was constructed, which is a two-story classroom addition that runs parallel to Westerly Parkway. In 1989 the Natatorium and a new gymnasium were added to the building. An additional classroom wing was constructed in 1999. Some aspects of the CTC program are also included in the North High School. The entire building is about 258,000 sqft and serves as half of the High School campus. The following pictures show some of the existing conditions at North: