Community Input
State High Project Blog
Trailer News:
The positive is that the electric and safety items all passed
Only item not to pass is insulation
Inspection is scheduled for Wednesday (stay tuned)
Cleaning of trailers will continue this weekI am looking forward to having the trailers in our rearview mirror.
General News:
Concrete pours for slab on deck will occur this Wednesday and Thursday in Pods “A” and “D”
Transition from underground utilities in connector area (outside of library and science rooms) continues
Electrical Conduit continues to be laid and cement poured over
Rock hammering will continue as more rock is in the way of the conduit installation
South News:
Trailers work is continuing
A variety of tasks to be completed as well as code compliance and inspection are on order
Completion Target: the week of 9/19
Work closest to the South Library (if you haven’t been to the South library to take a look, it is worth your time)
Concrete retaining wall is for the main mechanical wall
On top of that wall will be the floor of the new gym (hard to believe)
- Area to the right of that will be the student success lab, roar store, cafe, and counseling office
- Area beyond the wall will be classrooms and the media center (library)
North News:
Trailers work is continuing
A variety of tasks to be completed as well as code compliance and inspection are on order
Completion Target: the week of 9/12
General News:
Project continues on schedule with similar work on foundations, masonry, mechanical rough-ins, steel work… many workers are on site
This will be the flow for the first day of school, scroll down for the traffic flow until 8/29
Student drop-off is via the Logan Ave. entrance.
South News:
- work continues on the 4 pods and progress is seen daily
- demolition work on lower parts of the South has occurred and utility work continues
- back lot and exit lane will be paved tomorrow (weather permitting)
- parking lot line striping will take place some time late this week or early next week (weather permitting)
- Modular classrooms:
- working on finishing touches of interior and installation
- looking to finish cleaning and move furniture in through next weekend
- waiting on West Penn Power to arrive and connect electric and installation of ramps
- as CJ’s email mentioned, contingency plans are prepared if we are not in the trailers on the 29th
- we were in the trailers this week and they are going to be very nice, comfortable spaces when complete
North News:
- Modular classrooms: (same as South)
- working on finishing touches of interior and installation
- looking to finish cleaning and move furniture in through next weekend
- waiting on West Penn Power to arrive and connect electric and installation of ramps
- as CJ’s email mentioned, contingency plans are prepared if we are not in the trailers on the 29th
General News:
- overall work is still on schedule despite the rainy weather as of late