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Purpose and Charge

State High Project
Community Engagement Action Team
Anyone interested in serving on the committee can apply online or by email to the public information office.
The Community Engagement Action Team will be integral to the High School Planning Process. Its work will:

• facilitate two-way communication with our community;
• help the Board gather the information it needs to form a realistic picture of the community’s priorities in order to develop a project that reflects the community’s thinking.
• help educate and inform our entire community about why we are doing a high school project and how they may participate; and
• assist in the development of guiding principles for the high school project and the identification of priorities relative to facility condition, educational adequacy, safety, and climate.

Committee Charge:
• Collaborate with the Board’s Subcommittee on Communications.
• Map the community in order to reach as many people as possible.
• Develop strategies for involving the community at each step of the process.
• Reach out to as many people as possible in a variety of ways, gather ideas and opinions from the community, and help ensure that the Board understands the thinking of our community.
• Once a final plan is approved, help to explain the project and answer questions from community members as we approach the referendum. (projected date: AY 2013/14)  
• Committee co-chairs will share regular progress updates with the full Board and entire community.

The committee’s role does not include making a recommendation (as a committee) for the project to the Board of Directors.

Expectations of Individual Members:
• Each committee member will commit to meeting at least one time per month beginning in January 2013 through the referendum month (Fall 2013 – Spring 2014; subject to change).
• If a member must miss a meeting, s/he should inform the co-chairs to make sure that s/he obtains all materials and notes from the meeting.
• Members of the committee should either attend or view from home the Board’s monthly work sessions on the HS project.
• Members of the committee agree to carry out the committee’s purpose and role with the best interest of the district as a whole in mind.
Committee Member Categories
Some members of the committee will be invited based on their current involvement with the district. We also invite community members who are willing and able to commit to this action team’s purpose to volunteer. Anyone interested in serving on the committee can apply online or by contacting our public information office (814) 272-8600. Apply online.

Member affiliation categories:
Business, Higher Education & Community Leaders
Parents (1 from each school’s PTSO group)
Citizens Advisory Committees: Facilities, Finance, Safety & Athletics
SCASD Staff Members
Career & Technical General Advisory Committee
Board Members
Community Members without children attending SCASD

Each committee meeting will occur in a public/open manner so that anyone can observe. There will be time for public comment at each meeting.