North Building Renovation
In 2022, the district began planning to relocate the Information Technology (IT) department from Panorama Village Administrative Center to the North Building in the location of the former Career and Technical Center.
This move will:
Place the IT office on the campus with the most students and technology equipment, including the district data center.
Provide a more centralized location within the district for the IT office.
Allow for better storage and access for deliveries of technology equipment, thus avoiding improvements for this purpose at the Panorama Village Building.
Provide opportunities for an improved disaster recovery response by leveraging the data center infrastructure.
Additionally, the Reclaiming Individual Talent (RIT) and Virtual Academy programs also will move into the former CTC area, giving them more suitable spaces than their present Fairmount locations. Also at Fairmount currently, the Hearts program and CenClear Child Services preschool classrooms eventually will move to, respectively, Corl Street Elementary School and different district elementary schools.
Fairmount’s future, which hasn’t been determined yet, will depend on an upcoming student enrollment and facility capacity analysis.